A Game of settlers trying to survive in the bubbles that sciences has left our civilization as its only chance for survival. They may also be called Biospheres and they allow humans to thrive, while also providing a suitable atmosphere for harvesting various ressources. This Game lets you play as a helping hand, that can create streets and pave land for the survivors of a post-apocalyptic setting, so that they can create their own biospheres and harvest ressources. Another tool in your repository is to prioritise buildings allowing for their hastened completion at the expense of other locations that may suffer from ressource shortage.


Lead your Settlers to prosperity


Mouse and Keyboard

WASD to move the camera, LMB to place streets and RMB to destroy the placed streets before they are built - once built, they stay.

Team Members:

Alexander - Programming

Berchtold Elias - Programming, Pixelart

K. Elias - Pixelart

Marte Mike - Music, Programming

Matt Dominik - Programming

Polarsound Productions - SFX

Wagner David - Programming

Published 2 hours ago
Made withGodot

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